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Rotavirus Vaccine Risks: Stomach Blockage in Infants

Do you have an infant who got the rotavirus vaccine? This prevents severe diarrhea, and can sometimes cause a rare but serious condition called intussusception. This condition happens when part of the intestine slides into another part, causing a blockage. Although this side effect is very rare, parents should watch for severe stomach pain in their infants after vaccination and seek medical help if it occurs. Staying informed can help keep your baby safe. 

In the study, researchers examined information collected from the administration of 1.2 million doses of RotaTeq, the most common rotavirus vaccine used in the United States, and more than 100,000 doses of Rotarix, another rotavirus vaccine licensed for use in the U.S. (The rotavirus vaccination is given as a two- or three-shot series to infants ages 2 to 6 months.)  The researchers found that during the three weeks after vaccination, the RotaTeq vaccine was linked with about 15 extra cases of Intussusception per 1 million vaccinated infants, or one case per 65,000 doses given.

A previous version of the rotavirus vaccine, called RotaShield, was withdrawn from the market in 1999 after it was linked with an increased risk of intussusception (about one to two cases per 10,000 people vaccinated).

Study researcher Katherine Yih, of Harvard Medical School, said parents should be aware that "the chances of their child getting this outcome is small."  Still, Yih noted for intussusception, "the risk isn't zero." Parents should watch for signs of severe abdominal pain in their children during the first week after vaccination, Yih said. The study is published online in the New England Journal of Medicine.

If you or a loved one may have suffered an adverse reaction to the Rotavirus or other vaccination, please contact My Vaccine Lawyer at (800) 229-7704 for a free consultation today.


Meet the Author

Max Muller - Founding Partner

Mr. Muller currently devotes the majority of his law practice to aggressively fighting for the victims of unsafe drug and medical device injuries, as well as vaccine injuries and vaccine reactions involving the flu shot, TDaP/DTaP vaccine, and more. He has handled hundreds of SIRVA injury cases (shoulder injury related to vaccine administration), especially those involving bursitis, tendonitis, frozen shoulder, and rotator cuff tears. Mr. Muller also handles cases where vaccines caused serious nerve injuries such as Guillain-Barre Syndrome. Mr. Muller has recovered millions of dollars in compensation for his clients in the Vaccine Injury Compensation Program.

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