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My Vaccine Lawyer

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Arm Pain

Shoulder Pain from Tdap Shot

Shoulder Pain from Tdap Shot

The Tdap vaccine is an immunization that protects against three serious diseases: tetanus, diphtheria, and pertussis (whooping cough). While the...

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The image displays a row of syringes labeled 'Vaccine' against a vibrant yellow background, with a navy blue overlay to the right featuring the text

Ranking the Most Painful Vaccinations: Immunization Discomfort

Some vaccines hurt more than others due to factors like the injection method, vaccine ingredients, and individual sensitivity relating to genetics...

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Featured image for blog Arm Pain After a Meningitis Shot, and holding his arm due to pain from the meningitis shot

Arm Pain After a Meningitis Shot: Causes, Remedies, and Legal Options

This is a must-read for anyone experiencing discomfort after receiving a meningitis vaccine. Arm pain, redness, and swelling are common but typically...

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Blog featured image of a woman with green bandaid in her shoulder and a caption that says “Post-Vaccination Arm Discomfort

Arm Hurts After Vaccine? Causes and Relief Tips

If you're feeling arm pain after a vaccine, it's common and usually not serious, often caused by your body's reaction to the vaccine which causes...

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